Tips, Tales & Tidbits to Guide You Through the Teen Years
Daughter, This is My Hope for You…
We all hope our daughters have all the happiness in the world. We want them…
Surviving Your Teen’s First Car Crash
We are one year out from the infamous first car crash so I can talk…

School’s Out — Now What?! Keeping Teens Busy
The last days of school are counting down quickly and soon our teens will be underfoot everyday – ALL day. What’s a mom to do? If they don’t have summer jobs, get…
When Bullying Comes From Adults, Not Teens
There is a lot written about bullying and disrespectful teens. It’s hard, however, to find anything written about disrespectful, adult bullying. At what point did it become okay for adults to be…

Help, My Teen is Going to College! The College Search, Step Two: Mastering The College Tour
It was school vacation so we dove head first into the next journey for our oldest – booking our first college tours. We live in New England and decided to stay local…
Help, My Teen is Going to College! The College Search, Step One: Standardized Tests
Do you have a teen going to college next year? The college search process is brand new to me. This year, I’ll be documenting the “fun” of living with a high school…
Proud to be a Protest March Virgin
Our crew of 12 friends and family stood strong as we filled in behind the students. The streets were lined from side to side with people as far as we could see…
Either/Or…Is that the Message We Want to Send to Our Teens?
Like most of us, I’ve been reading and watching news reports about gun safety, mental health and school safety issues in America. Earlier this week, I read about a demonstration by a…