Giving Thanks

giving thanks

It’s the season of GIVING THANKS for all the blessings we have in our lives. This is the perfect time to thank all of the wonderful role models in our teens’ lives. Rather than spending one more minute talking about stories of powerful people taking advantage of others, it’s time to highlight the GOOD we have in our lives every day.


You have a thankless job. Not many teens are jumping out of bed racing to class eager to learn (are there any?). Thank you for getting up every day and helping our girls to become strong, independent, intelligent, powerful young women.


Not only do you have countless numbers of athletes you have to manage, but their parents as well! Easy is not a word that comes to mind when I imagine the load you have. And often, it is on a volunteer’s salary. Thank you for being patient with our kids and our “Mama Bear” rants. We appreciate all that you do!


I remember thinking that my grandparents were soooo old when I was a teen. I’m sure my teens probably feel the same way. With age comes wisdom and we all still learn a lot from having you in our lives. Thank you to the ones we still have for continuing to teach us how to be good, caring people. And, thank you to those who have passed whose memories come rushing to us just when we need them most.


Dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, snakes – whatever your choice is, you bring us such joy every day. You always seem to understand our moods better than we do and come to our rescue with a snuggle, a kind look or a head butt – just when we need it. Thank you for always putting us first in your life even when we are too busy for you in ours.


You teach our teens responsibility, humility and teamwork in a way that is different than we are able to as parents. You have a big role in their lives as they learn their first skills as paid employees. Everyone remembers their first job and their first boss.


What’s the old saying? You can pick your friends, but not your family. Hopefully you are as lucky as my teens are to have some pretty strong role models in your family that your teens can rely on. Sisters, cousins, aunts, nieces – you provide counsel when there are struggles, comfort when there is endless grief, direction when there is no clear path, and friendship during times of teen turmoil.


Whoever those people are that influence your teens’ lives, take a moment this weekend (and every weekend) to let them know how appreciated they are. Better yet, have your teen tell them!






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